R/V Johan Hjort
Argo deployments and status in 2021
Testing an Argo float before deployment
Henrik Søiland with BGC and deep Argo float.
Deployment of a Bio Argo float
Figure 1 below shows the location of the Argo deployments while figure 2 shows which sensors that are attached on the floats. Numbers of deployed float types are: 1 BGC (Provor CTS4), 3 Bio (Provor CTS4), 1 Deep (Deep Arvor), and 7 core (Arvor). Two of the core floats include also oxygen sensor. At each deployment location a CTD-station was taken with water samples for analysis of salinity, nutrients, oxygen (analyzed on board), chlorophyll-a, pH and Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) for comparison with Argo data.
With the new Argo float deployments Argo Norway (NorArgo) has at present (9. June 2021) 40 operative Argo floats. The locations of the Norwegian and other countries operative floats in the Nordic Seas and Barents Sea are shown in figure 3.
Daily updated information of Argo float locations and profiles within the Nordic Seas can be viewed on the NorArgo operational web site.
Fig 1. Location of Argo floats deployed in 2021
Fig 2. Float types
Fig 3. Operative Argo floats in the Nordic Seas and Barents Sea. Large orange dots are Norwegian floats while small black dots are floats from other countries.